Friday 8 May 2020

A change in the air

I'm back! and I'd like to announce that I have two new blogs here on Blogger (See my side bar). 

Firstly I have Touching the Awen, which is a blog featuring my artwork. This is mainly my masks and incense, I may add to it in the future. I'm not sure as yet. It's just a record of them - somewhere to come for Awen or inspiration. 

Secondly, I 'm quite excited to say that I have yet another new Blog. This time a more recent one to reflect the times that we are living in. So, it's called The Coronavirus Chronicles - make of that what you will!

I hope that you enjoy reading them.

Friday 1 March 2013


Spring is well, springing up all over. The daffs, crocuses and snowdrops are out braving the weather, its still too cold to sunbathe but I have tried sitting out for a couple of the sunnier days in the little sun trap at the side of the house. Its not quite Ostara yet , but we're getting there. The easter eggs are for sale in the shops but I haven't seen any bunnies out in the garden just yet!

Saturday 24 November 2012

and so the wheel turns...

there we have it yet again! Autumn was unremarkable by any stretch of the imagination and it passed by peacefully and quietly. That is, amongst the riot of colour that Mother Nature produces in the trees at this time of year . What a super display! And I started a watercolour course to try and capture some of their beauty...wonderful!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Nearing Autumn

Tis the end of summer, what little actual summer that we did have with all that rain. I hardly celebrated Lughnasadh at all. The wheel turns and its time to move on again, thnights are shortening and winter is approaching. There's a nip in the air and my thoughts turn to Samhain.

This year I might celebrate the third harvest with a trip to Castell Henllys. According to the website they will be burning an effigy of the wicker man there. Weather permitting of course. I shall either go to that or the lantern parade in Machynlleth. Whatever happens I will mark the occasion.

Monday 9 July 2012

Summer solstice

Well its been dank and wet...and that's just the weather!The summer solstice has been hectic ritual wise with a trip to Glastonbury with OBOD. As a newbie druid I got to light the druid grove candle, which was a big thrill for me. The following morning was spent at Avebury in ritual with the order. Not much time for shopping this time, never mind there will be other opportunities and there's always the internet

Saturday 28 April 2012


Just a short post today. Its nearly Beltane on Monday, no bank holiday this year until next week. The weather is cold and dull but it won't put a damper on my ritual on Monday. I've nearly finished the ovate grade so I'll be doing the closing ceremony then. Can't wait to see what the druid grade holds for me, although I'll be sad to finish the course. In the meantime I'll just raise my glass for Beltane

Thursday 12 April 2012


Also known as Oestre or Ostara this is a special festival as far as I am concerned. Then again aren't they all? I think its special to me as it is the true beginning of spring. The birds are nesting and the Land is becoming more fertile by the minute. Next thing we know and it will be Beltaine , my favourite festival.

Still no Easter egg hunt this year, at 19 and 14 the children are too old to do it anymore. That's old as in mature , or so they tell me. In their minds perhaps, but to me they will always be children.

And Persephone has returned from the underworld, well she's back for Easter with her head full of essays and a bag full of laundry